{ Pearls & Pasta } — special moments
{ Slingshot Style }
chaos clientel custom made fun home jewelry jewelry studio kids life Marinella jewelry our commitment pets protection bracelets ready to wear slingshot special moments style work space

Here at Marinella jewelry our studio and work space is also our owner & designers home. We are well aware of the everyday and not so everyday mix, alongside the fun & chaos of kids, pets & other household interruptions of everyday and not so everyday life. Things don’t always go the way you expected or intended in business or otherwise! For example; our Quality Stretch Protection Bracelets by Marinella | The lore of touching, plucking, pulling & flinging them especially by little hands is undeniable. Hence one of the reasons for Our Commitment to You, our treasured clientele and friends! Our Commitment...
{ loving lesson }
accessories bracelets decor dove chocolates family lesson message protection bracelets special moments words of wisdom

I keep a bowl of Dove almond & dark chocolates in my office for clients and yes on occasion I snag one for myself… I like the Dove chocolates for a few reasons; one its chocolate, two this particular flavor is wrapped in purple foil which happens to be my Marinella jewelry company color, and three each chocolate you open has a special message on the inside of the foil. I take pleasure in anticipating each simple message; don’t get me wrong not quite as much as the satisfaction I take from tossing the chocolate into my mouth. Today’s note...
{ Alternative ~ Bridal ~ Accessorizing }
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{ trays, trays & more trays! }
#marinellajewelryshop coffee decor desirable flowers holiday home Keurig life organize serving simple sparkle special moments tips trays