{ Pearls & Pasta } — jewelry
{ Pearls & Pasta }
family jewelry magic pasta pasta water magic pearls pearls and pasta un-recipes

{ Slingshot Style }
chaos clientel custom made fun home jewelry jewelry studio kids life Marinella jewelry our commitment pets protection bracelets ready to wear slingshot special moments style work space

Here at Marinella jewelry our studio and work space is also our owner & designers home. We are well aware of the everyday and not so everyday mix, alongside the fun & chaos of kids, pets & other household interruptions of everyday and not so everyday life. Things don’t always go the way you expected or intended in business or otherwise! For example; our Quality Stretch Protection Bracelets by Marinella | The lore of touching, plucking, pulling & flinging them especially by little hands is undeniable. Hence one of the reasons for Our Commitment to You, our treasured clientele and friends! Our Commitment...
{ clean | store | prevent }
100% cotton 2018 clean cleaning cleaning tips cloths delight freshwater pearls January jewelry jewelry cleaning Marinella jewelry tips pearls prevent special care store storing t shirts

At Marinella jewelry we are starting 2018 off with some care, not just for ourselves but for the things in our lives that delight us! It's no secret that one of my favorite materials to use in my designs is freshwater pearls, so it only makes sense to share with you some tips on caring for your pearls. Your Pearls Require A Bit of Special Care Pearls are softer than other gems and should be handled with care. In addition, substances such as your perfume and hair spray, even natural body oils and perspiration, can dull your pearls’ luster and/or...
{ Treasured Season }
accessories accessorize with ease and intent autumn entertaining fall winter jewelry collection freshwater pearls home decor jewelry protection bracelets relaxed sophisticated sophisticated ease style

Autumn is hands down my most treasured season. Everything from holiday entertaining to the jewelry I've designed. It's about excitedly gearing up for a nonstop flow of guests & clients. I adore entertaining in a relaxed yet elegant way. This is reflected not only in my home decor but in the way I dress. I especially carried my esthetic into this Fall/Winter's jewelry 17' collection. Bring a sophisticated ease into your life style; start with YOU and that ease will carry you thru the upcoming holidays. Accessorize with Ease & Intent.
{ summer lovin' }
celebrations family jewelry life lineage links livluvstack love milestones protection bracelets protection stones summer

Summer of loving... Summer love is showing up in everything from our newest jewelry designs to whirl wind celebrations our families have the honor to be sharing in together { just to name a couple, my mother in laws 75th birthday & our sister-in-law to be's bridal shower } Our combined 'immediate families' total 18 siblings + their spouses / significant other & 41 grandchildren { 2 of which our mine and my hubby's } this accounts for XL love! This summer of love will continue into 2018 as we look forward to more family milestones coming our way; two weddings and the birth of a new cousin... Our...