{ Pearls & Pasta } — lesson
{ A Pretty Reminder }
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{ A pretty reminder... Posting Pink as a reminder to GO get your mammograms ladies! I finally went to my walk in appointment TODAY 10.11.17... I was supposed to walk in 1 year ago! Search for a local Women's Imaging Center near you ~ The one near us promotes a 'Walk in Wednesday' ~ Take advantage of the ease, comfort and kindness this service provides so you don't put off your mammogram another day - You deserve to take care of yourself so you can continue to be around to enjoy and remember the moments. }
{ loving lesson }
accessories bracelets decor dove chocolates family lesson message protection bracelets special moments words of wisdom

I keep a bowl of Dove almond & dark chocolates in my office for clients and yes on occasion I snag one for myself… I like the Dove chocolates for a few reasons; one its chocolate, two this particular flavor is wrapped in purple foil which happens to be my Marinella jewelry company color, and three each chocolate you open has a special message on the inside of the foil. I take pleasure in anticipating each simple message; don’t get me wrong not quite as much as the satisfaction I take from tossing the chocolate into my mouth. Today’s note...
{ The Simple Life ~ Words we adore }
flowers gift jewelry lesson life simple sparkle tips words of wisdom

The simple life should be just that, simple. Read on for words we use to inspire us in our every day to help remind us to keep it simple!